Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

Not the End-All-Be-All Part One

In July of 2004, I was married in a religious and community ceremony. I and my lovely bride were surrounded by friends and family. in fact, it was friends-who-are-family who made the ceremony happen. Strung the lights. Had the whole house painted. Cooked and served the best wedding food you’ve ever encountered, I mean it. […]

Mary Mother of God

When I was living in the tension of the hinge between Roman Catholicism and Paganism, I helped to make a ceremony. I had been exploring what Mary the Mother of Jesus, who I called “the Blessed Mother” at that time, meant to me. I attended Mass and I attended Full Moon Services. I was, in […]


One of the calendars that has most affected my life–perhaps most of all–is the academic calendar. Not only did I go to school for a bunch of years, but my parents, brother, and wife have all been academics at some time or other. There were always the two seasons of the year, late winter and […]

Fat Ministry

Today, I gave my workshop on nurturing positive body image in teens and adults. That’s great! What’s even more fun is that I got to do it as the intern minister working with teens, youth advisors, religious education teachers, and religious education professionals. What a great group! And what an important task. In the Unitarian […]

Julian’s Revelations of Love

NB: This post is from May 2014, and is one in  a series of discernment posts I’m going to be sharing with you over the next several weeks. Enjoy! *** In the Lutheran Church and Anglican Communion, Thursday is the feast day of St. Julian of Norwich. I include one of her significant ideas/visions for […]

This Is For You

What are we doing here? Why am I writing this blog? What’s in it for you? As I say on my About page, I know that there are folks out there in Internet Land, as well as folks I know in “real” life, who are longing for what I long for. Depth. Understanding of self, […]

The Tide of Beltaine

Yesterday was May Day. Also International Workers’ Day (And St. Joseph the Worker Day). The day following Walpurgisnacht. The Swedes walked through the streets with torches and celebrate with bonfires for their first of May holiday. It’s an important moment in the turning year, and in the northern hemisphere, it is associated with holidays of […]


I have always loved calendars. Rhythms. Hours. Years. And especially seasons. The 1970’s California monastery calendar my grandmother sent us every year. The Sierra Club datebook calendars in which my father kept his appointments. He held it closed with a big rubber band, so as not to lose the many little notes inside. The wall […]