Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

A Femme Gender Story: Part Two

In those early 1990’s, my fabulous Mary Janes with their chunky heels went with burnt-out velvet tops and a super-black, ice-skating-skirt-shaped number (also velvet; are you kidding me right now?!) and oh yes, stockings with the seams up the back. (What a PAIN to put on, but so worth it. So definitely worth it.) Despite […]

A Femme Gender Story: Part One

What follows is the story of how I came finally to embrace my gender identity in my forties. Being the femme I am feels settled, solid, and true, just as much of the rest of my middle age does. I identify as a sovereign, queer, cis femme, assigned female at birth and brought up as […]

Recovery from Evil

Hello, dear ones, and (for me), good morning – So there’s this thing I’ve been noodling on. In some ways, it’s not new at all, I’ve written about it here before, and the noodling is not even new. It’s something I return to again and again in my heart, words, and actions. That something is perfectionism. But perfectionism from […]

Politics, Fear, and Doing Enough

Here are some words that come to mind as we move into this year: May we insist on loving truth, from everyone from our ourselves up through the administration of the United States government. May we, in part through the continued development and use of green energy and building, protect our land, sea, and air […]

Solstice, Justice, and Welcome

Beloved– The December solstice is less than tend days away. If you’re anywhere far from the Equator, the sun’s rays are important this week. For comrades like Katharine Liese in Johannesburg, South Africa, things looks very different from the way they do in North America, for example. Or our comrade Onyxe Antara in Thailand — […]

Fat or Thin, Let Us Be Kind

The following is my Reflections love letter from 24 September. If you’re looking for the third installment of “Invincible,” it’s the next one down. 🙂     Oh dear ones, this is not the love letter I thought I’d write this week. I find that I am driven–perhaps, if I may be so bold, as Jesus was driven by […]

Shameless Evil

I can’t be silent about what has been happening in the US. And I have been in the hospital this week, so I give you words that are not my own. I ESPECIALLY exhort you to take the time to read the article. (It needs an editor, but the content is brilliant.) The following article […]

Poetry Makes Nothing Happen?

I wrote a post in Facebook yesterday out of despair and a sense of deep longing for truth, beauty, goodness, and most of all, direction. I wrote about how terrible things are right now in the United States. How much privilege we have, many of us, and how we (mostly) stand (mostly) idly by (mostly). […]

Yemaya Assesu and Spiritual Guests

I have written about spiritual pillaging. And about spiritual tourism. And now I write about spiritual guests. In some traditions I have been a guest; more than just a visitor, but not a full member of the community. My time with the Religious Society of Friends, also called the Quakers, and my time with African […]

Ruminations on Spiritual Tourism

I am a fast writer, generally. I get an idea, and it just wants to come out, and often it does. Not perfectly, but whatever, there’s no such thing. I do my best. Sometimes I can get thousands of words onto the pixelated page in no time flat. It just is how things go. The following […]