Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

The Work of Lammas

Beloved, beloved, beloved, thrice beloved! If this is your first time getting or reading Reflections, either in your inbox or on The Way of the River site, be welcome. I also invite you (if you do Facebook) to investigate our Facebook Group for  The Way of the River. Be welcome there, and if you are […]

Lammas is Coming, the Grain is Getting Fat

Monday evening, at 4 pm Pacific, 5 pm Mountain, etc. I shall be coordinating a discussion in preparation for Lammas, the contemporary and ancient Earth-centered grain holiday. As I’ve prepared for our discussion, some words and their etymologies have come to mind, and some pieces of stories about my experience of Lammas over the years. […]

Boundaries: Yes is No

I am thinking of the concept of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Some people add a fourth at beginning or in the middle, but the triplet is the most common. I am thinking on the Crone. The Hag. The Ancient One who stands at the Crossroads and demands that you choose your way. That one […]