Going into the Dark 2024 Retreat

Deep Roots, Gardening, and Spiritual Practice

Deep Roots, Gardening, and Spiritual Practice

***From June 2016 — this class is over and no longer available, but the post is still very valuable, I think***


One of the things I love about the folks who come to my classes, the folks who are drawn to my work—Pagans, trans* folk, LGBT community members and allies, and those who feel constrained elsewhere in their spirituality—is that you go DEEP. We yearn for places where we can be brave and clear and deep. We yearn for places where we are invited to put down ROOTS for ourselves, roots of radical self-love, roots that help us take risks to love others, roots that help us get the nourishment we need to go on when the world seems full of horror and nothing else.

For example, when I had my free class on the moods of ocean-river-ice-puddles, participants talked about loving to swim, fears of drowning, fears of slipping on ice, mythical creatures associated with water and Sea. It was just amazing. Truly.green well

In my Sacred Wells class, we all cried. We all came to a place of intimacy—through the power
of the INTERNET, for Goddess’ sake! We held hands and shared energy, create a Circle of power that allowed us to build a well of our own, a holy and sacred place where we could share our wishes and our hopes and dreams. And we all cried at the power of it. We were all overwhelmed by the invitation to spiritual practice and the invitation to intimacy and honesty.

You see, I am endlessly fascinated be people’s willingness to respond to invitation to truth-telling. It’s frightening to tell the truth about ourselves. It’s vulnerable. And yet, when we get into a space that is a “brave space,” if not a “safe space,” but a space where we are encouraged to bring authenticity, integrity, compassion, and wisdom…many of us show up.

And in showing up, we unfurl our roots and allow ourselves to be nurtured. We are changed. You have changed me, I know that. I hope that my showing up with you has helped you to change for the better as well.

I so experience you as showing up. Those of you who write to me after you receive the Love Letters, Reflections. Those who comment on my blog posts on Patheos or my site. Those who come to come to free calls, paid classes, spiritual direction…however you come to The Way of the River, you are coming with power. You are coming with courage. You are coming with power. With power.

sprout-1136131I hope you’ll come to the free class tomorrow:  The home page has the cutie sprout photo with the sign up link. But even if you don’t, I just want to say thank you to you for showing up in other ways. For being here with us all.

Again, I hope to see you at the FREE class call , 8:30 EDT tomorrow . It’s going to be great fun and we’ll go as deep as you’re willing. Sign up under the sign of the sprout here.

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