Going into the Dark

If you already know you need a retreat,
and that you love Going into the Dark,
scroll on down to “The Details” and be welcome!

Hoo, Boy, the Dark is with Us Now


These few weeks since the beginning of October have gone on forever. 

I need to be with you, loves. And we–everyone who longs for hope–all need to be together. On December 14th, I offer one way to share time together gently. 

For all the reasons you know. All the fear and death and grief and separation and terror and threats and shock and shock again…you know the reasons. And since I wrote the first version of this page in 2020, the hits have just kept on coming.

Even and ESPECIALLY when the powers and principalities would divide us from each other and from our own hearts, we need to seek connection to our own deep selves, to the Divine, and to other beings. 

Most years since 2015, I have written about an antidotes to the frenzy of December holidays.

And yes, many of us will still be caught up in the secular and religious holidays of this season. Slowing down in the midst of frenzy is still a good idea, a necessary break, a balm for so many of us. 

In 2020, I talked about times of uncertainty and unrest. In 2024, I say to us that these are not times of uncertainty. These are times when clarity, conviction, and the healing presence of stable community are required. Not only that, but it is still true that as the light grows dim we naturally want to join our other mammalian siblings in rest. A moment, a pause, a kind of hibernation, a retreat.  

Not All Certainty is Pain

Some things remain and have since before the construct of clocktime existed.

Gaia, Earth, still makes Her beautiful, blue-green way around Sol, our brilliant, yellow star, each year. Each year they come close together in our winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, though, that closeness is accompanied by the slanting light and the deep darkness of the solstice.

The solstice remains a time that, no matter the frenzy and fear around us, we are welcomed into the dance of Gaia and Sol. We claim our birthright as the children of Earth and Starry Heaven. We welcome one another into the seeming slowing of time as the days shorten. This dance, in our blink-of-an-eye lives, is an eternal thing. An eternal dance, so many long ages in Gaia’s slow spin. We are part of Her, not merely residents in some sort of terrestrial neighborhood. So we attend to the seasons, however they show up where we are in this gorgeous marble seething with Life, this Earth of which we are a part. 

And this year, in order to do that, please join friends old and new to share lights in the darkness. Not merely the candles of vigil. But the lights we can find when all other lights go out. (Thank you, Galadriel.)

Hope is Kindled 

Hope — not optimism, but hope – is kindled. That is to say, it comes from the embers we have protected and tended, the small stores of fuel we have maintained, even from the fluff we have found lingering in our pockets in the middle of our life’s way. Hope is kindled. It starts from very small things. 

As you know, there is no magic panacea for peace and communion with other beings. God/dess knows we have seen far too little of it in 2024. Not even at the time of year when the holidays are supposed to be life giving and joyful. Peace on Earth and in our hearts, we are told. Light faithfully shared will get us through a dark time, we are told. The Light of life is returning, we are told. Community sustains us, we are told. 

These are the things–love, joy, hope, peace, light, communion with one another–our hearts require, aren’t they? Our hearts do not require the grasping pressure, terror, fear and fascism this year has heaped on us. Our hearts do not need the evils that mark our times and that are bearing down on us.

This season calls us in various ways–good ways. We hear calls to action. Calls to analysis. Calls to care for ourselves and those closest to us. And we respond to those calls. 

For one day, then, I call you quietly, sweetly, as persistently gently as I can, to brave the Dark with me.

Dare to Come into the Dark

This eighth year of my virtual retreat, Going into the Dark (I had forgotten that we came together in 2022 when I thought that all was lost!), will be a day set aside for your renewal and rest with the support and companionship of others.

We’ll meet online together three times over the course of the day. During our gatherings, we’ll get to know one another a bit and share our quiet hopes, we will listen to and meditate on a dreamvision of possibility, we will hear one another, and we will leave with the blessings and gratitude of one another.

This year the cost is $50 (sliding scale below) for the entire event. Three uncomplicated Zoom gatherings, beginning at 11 am Eastern/8 am Pacific.

No bells. No whistles. No YouTube recording. No recording at all, in fact. No complicated presentations. Just us, together, just as we were for years in a row. Just communion with one another. Just the miraculous and supremely holy depths of our hearts.

In between our times together, I encourage you to engage in quiet, renewing activities. For several people over the years, that has meant going outside looking at the world with eyes renewed.

For you that may mean having a big nap or curling up with tea and a novel. Maybe it means getting out your markers and coloring or writing in a notebook. Maybe it means caring for family, having lunch, or just staring at the ceiling. Whatever it means, however you spend our integration time, is okay.

Going into the Dark has been my attempt to develop a tradition that turns the volume down, slows our frantically beating hearts, invites contemplation, and enhances our wonder at the miracles of one another, the turning Earth, and the Source of Life. 

We need a moment to touch the quiet of the long night, to be present to the deepening dark, and to be still. We may need this moment to cry in the safe embrace of one another’s hearts. To laugh at the absurdity of insistent Life bursting through the sidewalks of culture. To listen and attend one another quietly. What I know, though, is that many of us, however we need it, need this moment together.

Especially when we feel alone, grieving, terrified, frustrated, lost, and starving for genuine connection…Especially when we know we have to act, to change, to try in new new ways to protect and create beauty and goodness and love and justice…Especially when we know we want to be more… especially in these times, I invite us to do less. Just for a day.  

I invite you to a time of connection. I invite you to a tradition. I invite you to a pause that can bring some peace, some rest, some wonder, and perhaps some rooted hope.

I invite you to a virtual retreat in preparation for the depth of the long winter nights. 

Together we will share the beauty and wisdom
of the dark time of the year.

We will kindle hope within it.

The Details

This year’s Going Into the Dark retreat will take place on Saturday, December 14th, 2024. We’ll meet three times over the course of the day. The first and second calls are planned to start right on time. The third call’s time may be a bit more wggly:

8:00am PT/11:00am ET for greeting one another and setting our intentions

10:00 PT/1:00 pm ET for our imaginative dreamvision journey

12:30pm PT/3:30pm ET for sharing gratitude and blessing

We’ll meet on the online platform, Zoom. I’ll have my video on, and you can have your video on or off as you choose. 

The cost for the whole day is $50. for BIPOC, trans, and superfat folks, as well as for those for whom $50 would make you unable to attend, please pay $25 with no questions asked, only welcome. And if you want to support this work further, and can afford it, I welcome your gift of $75+. Just as a reminder, the fee in 2020 was $150. But Going into the Dark is too precious to me not to make as accessible as I can. If you called to give more than $50, I welcome that gift with gratitude. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please contact me with questions. 

This year, I am using Venmo as my primary method of payment. 


the last four digits of my phone number are 4366.

(and please note that it’s cathArine, not cathErine.)

If you would prefer PayPal or Zelle, again, please contact me. 

Once I have received your payment, I’ll send out the Zoom link for you to put into your calendar. It will be the same link for all three calls.

Here are some questions other folks have asked:

There tend to be few enough that there can be intimate and deep sharing, but large enough that not everyone has to verbally participate in every question, invitation to share, or time of wondering. You can always have your video on or off. As I say with a smile, “This is an empowerment-based retreat.”

Come anyway! Any amount of getting in touch with yourself and the quiet of the world will be a balm to your soul. One of our retreatants in a previous year could only attend two calls, and yet he spoke of the richness of the day for months thereafter.

Yes! In the email you’ll get a day before the retreat, you’ll get phone numbers you can use to dial in via telephone for any or all of the calls.

Based on feedback from past participants, Going into the Dark is not recorded. This is to protect the sacred Mystery of the retreat and to respect the privacy of what participants share.

Our time together creates a deep Mystery, and it is a Mystery that I do not believe can be evoked through a recording.

What others have said

"I'm so excited! Every time I've done it, I've fallen deeper and deeper into the care and love of the endless Mysteries that hold me (and us) in the love of the universe."
River Needham, M. Div.
"Catharine is truly magical. Her ability to create and lead ritual is unparalleled (and I am very picky about that!). Catharine has taken me to deep and powerful places, and I am profoundly grateful for her capacity to hold space and help me feel safe as I'm doing deep work. That she can do this through the inter-webs and that we do not have to be in person with each other is especially mind-blowing. To work with Catharine is to be held deeply. I highly recommend it."
Julica Hermann de la Fuente
“No matter what your calendar tries to tell you, the timing for Rev. Catharine Clarenbach's Going Into The Dark retreat is divine. I recommend it to all religious professionals struggling to stay connected to a sense of the holy through the intense emotional and performative demands of December. I am so grateful I said yes. Signing up with dear souls whom I know and love across this continent was an extra bonus of sustaining joy.”
Rev. Deanna Vandiver

Are you in?

I’m so excited that you want to share this sacred and mysterious time with me! Click the button below to sign up, and come with us, come into the Dark.

Again, you may find me @catharine-clarenbach on Venmo, and the last four digits of my phone number are 4366.

$50 standard registration fee

$25 for BIPOC, trans, and superfat folks with no questions asked

$75+ for those of you who are able and want to make a lovegift that supports others and the ongoing work of The Way of the River. 

Thank you, I cannot wait to see you there.