Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

Fat Reflections Part 2

I begin this post as I shall continue it—with images of myself. Images of a fat woman with arms, a belly, breasts, and more chins than is considered strictly allowable in polite society. I shall include images of a fat woman in clothes that fit her. I shall include images of a fat woman looking […]

A Portland Opportunity!

Hello, friends! Starting at noon next Saturday, August 9, at Fat Yoga in Portland, the Roll Call Community Meditation Group begins! What is the Roll Call? Well it could be a call for big, round bellies and small, flat bellies, and all the bellies in between. ALL the bellies with ALL their rolls! Or is could be an invitation […]

Fat Ministry

Today, I gave my workshop on nurturing positive body image in teens and adults. That’s great! What’s even more fun is that I got to do it as the intern minister working with teens, youth advisors, religious education teachers, and religious education professionals. What a great group! And what an important task. In the Unitarian […]