Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

The Beauty of the Stones: Part Two

My feet may yet be wanderin’ But my heart has found a home In the Center of Four Quarters In a Ring of Standing Stone. “The Center of Four Quarters” So what is the benefit of raising a Stone Circle in the middle of southern central Pennsylvania? For twenty years, hundreds of people have come […]

Orphaned Believers and Skeptical Dreamers

Orphaned believers, skeptical dreamers / You’re welcome. You can stay right here. / You don’t have to go ~~Over the Rhine~~ Thanks to my friend Oscar Sinclair for introducing me to the words above. They are, indeed, a fine encapsulation of my hopes for The Way of the River. Orphaned believers Some of us belong […]

Prayer and Discernment (v. 2016)

NB: This post is from 2014 when I was offering the e-book The Practice of Prayer. Now, in 2016, I am proud to be gifting my subscribers with The Days of Discernment, a series of self-study pages. I have changed the end of the post to reflect this change. *** So I was sitting on the floor and my […]

What Am I Doing Here?: Part One!

I’ve realized over the last week or so that I don’t think I’ve said enough about why I’m doing this work. Not enough about why I feel so strongly about The Way of the River, why I’m learning new software, why I’m shanghaiing loved ones into my process, and mainly, not enough about why the […]

Rituals for YOU

Rites of Passage and Other Ceremonies I am available to make ceremonies for all occasions. Perhaps the most obvious rituals in our culture are weddings, memorials, and baby blessings and dedications. I am available to officiate at all these and more. As a Unitarian Universalist who has a Masters in Divinity, I am able to […]

A Portland Opportunity!

Hello, friends! Starting at noon next Saturday, August 9, at Fat Yoga in Portland, the Roll Call Community Meditation Group begins! What is the Roll Call? Well it could be a call for big, round bellies and small, flat bellies, and all the bellies in between. ALL the bellies with ALL their rolls! Or is could be an invitation […]

Beloved, Will You Be A Midwife?

“Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)” ~~the master poet, Walt Whitman~~ &nbsp It has been said of me, more than once, that nothing about me is small. Not my body, not my mind, not my love, not the breadth and depth of my spiritual seeking, […]