Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

You Perfect Human!

Beloveds~ First, and last – Going into the Dark is next Saturday! If you have any single question, please ask me – we only have six days of registration left! Second, if you’re new here, welcome! Take a few minutes to read what is below and feel free to reply if you like with whatever this correspondence surfaces in […]

Recovery from Evil

Hello, dear ones, and (for me), good morning – So there’s this thing I’ve been noodling on. In some ways, it’s not new at all, I’ve written about it here before, and the noodling is not even new. It’s something I return to again and again in my heart, words, and actions. That something is perfectionism. But perfectionism from […]

Insidious Perfectionism

In Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun’s article, “White Supremacy Culture” in Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups, they outline several characteristics of white supremacy culture. I’ve written about one of them, individualism (as opposed to individuality, a law of nature), in my Reflections newsletter. Today, I’m going to talk about that insidious character, […]