Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

In Remembrance of Me…

Do this in remembrance of Me… I remember sitting at an Easter Vigil liturgy, the highest, holiest liturgy of the year in the Roman Catholic calendar. I was a little incense-drunk and feeling kind of spiritually woozy from the religious excesses of Holy Week (more on that later, if you’re interested). I looked up at […]

Lammas Surrender

From  a recent Facebook post by my dear friend and Wiccan priest, Jonathan White: At the antipodes of the year from Imbolc, at which we celebrate the claiming of power, the moment of daring to speak, to make, or to heal, is the evening of Lammas. Now we celebrate the relinquishing of power, the moment […]

Mary Mother of God

When I was living in the tension of the hinge between Roman Catholicism and Paganism, I helped to make a ceremony. I had been exploring what Mary the Mother of Jesus, who I called “the Blessed Mother” at that time, meant to me. I attended Mass and I attended Full Moon Services. I was, in […]

The Tide of Beltaine

Yesterday was May Day. Also International Workers’ Day (And St. Joseph the Worker Day). The day following Walpurgisnacht. The Swedes walked through the streets with torches and celebrate with bonfires for their first of May holiday. It’s an important moment in the turning year, and in the northern hemisphere, it is associated with holidays of […]