How it Works
Over the last twenty-some years, working with many people like us, I’ve found principles that work to heal, find, keep, and deepen nurturing spiritual relationships.
First, in order to be understood, beheld, and celebrated, you need just that--compassionate celebration!
You have a special magic, and you deserve to know it! You have your own channel Love comes through, and that channel needs safety and welcome to stay open. The Source of Life is like a spring in the ground that wells up all your unique gifts and invites you to drink and drink.
You need a commitment of time for the relationship to develop and flourish.
You need to have time that allows you to come to know yourself and Spirit better. None of this work happens overnight.
Furthermore, we don’t know what we don’t know!
It’s helpful, along the way, to get a sense of the myriad possibilities of spiritual expression. How might you draw the map of the territory that’s out there? You can draw that map through the joy of exploration and experimentation that are yours, once you realize the multiplicity of approaches to Spirit that exist.
Overall, there is a special, essential combination: persistent gentleness and gentle persistence.
This combination, and really taking it into your heart at every step, allows for tremendous growth over time. These things—(1) celebration, (2) safety for commitment, (3) sharing spiritual possibilities, (4) supporting your experimentation, and (5) bringing persistent gentleness and gentle persistence to the entire process--are the foundations of my approach to spiritual guidance.
And Who am I?
I am Rev. Catharine Clarenbach, ordained a Unitarian Universalist minister in 2015 and initiated as a priestess in the Tradition of Stone Circle Wicca in 1999. I have felt the “call to the Deep,” for as long as I can remember.
Throughout the last nearly twenty-five years, I have helped people find their spiritual homes.
And Who am I?
I am Rev. Catharine Clarenbach, ordained a Unitarian Universalist minister in 2015 and initiated as a priestess in the Tradition of Stone Circle Wicca in 1999. I have felt the “call to the Deep,” for as long as I can remember, and over the last twenty years, I have helped hundreds of people find their own way to spiritual homecoming, and if you find yourself in any of the situations above, maybe we can work together fruitfully.
Free Download
So what’s one step you can take in the direction of your own deepest, wisest heart? What’s one way that you can be encouraged in your journey to that place where your own wisdom and the voice of the Divine come together?
I invite you to download my small workbook, Your Perfect Day. If you are needing to find a way to make Spirit-led, reliable decisions, this could be very helpful for you. And then you’ll get my little bon-bons of spiritual contemplation each week in my love letter, Reflections, as well!
Free Download
So what’s one step you can take in the direction of your own deepest, wisest heart? What’s one way that you can be encouraged in your journey to that place where your own wisdom and the voice of the Divine come together?
I invite you to download my small workbook, Your Perfect Day. If you are needing to find a way to make Spirit-led, reliable decisions, this could be very helpful for you. And then you’ll get my little bon-bons of spiritual contemplation each week in my love letter, Reflections, as well!