Rev. Catharine Is Currently
On Medical Leave

Lammas is Coming, the Grain is Getting Fat

Monday evening, at 4 pm Pacific, 5 pm Mountain, etc. I shall be coordinating a discussion in preparation for Lammas, the contemporary and ancient Earth-centered grain holiday. As I’ve prepared for our discussion, some words and their etymologies have come to mind, and some pieces of stories about my experience of Lammas over the years. […]

Ancestors: Who Made Us?

My family is full of stories of those who have gone before us, those from whose lives I come, those who—as someone in a Facebook group of mine said—made me. Those who made me. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, thinking of ourselves as being more than OUR OWN selves. Yet there are so many ways in […]

Love and Fear: One without the Other?

blooming pink lotus up close on the flower

Oh, oh, oh… What if this? What if that? What if I can’t? What if I don’t? What if they don’t like me? What if they don’t respect me? What if I’m the fraud I’m afraid I am? I struggle with imposter syndrome. Do you? I struggle with worrying I don’t have anything to offer. […]